Monday, May 30, 2005

I'm so close to just qutting my job

I've got good news and bad news, folks. The giid news is I actually enjoyed my weekend. There were no idiots causing mayhem and no flying saucers bruning holes in the coastline so I got to sleep in for a change and even enjoyed the Monday off. That bad news is I have to go back to work tomorrow and sit a desk and stew in some more "what am I doing with my life" sentiment. A word of advice to you high school types: don't plan on being a super hero, go to journalism school or something.

Friday, May 27, 2005


It's Friday. Thank goodness. I spent all last night looking for my keys. What a waste of time. I finally found them in my Kid Lightning Belt. I need to polish that thing. Why do I need a costume anyway? It's just me showing off. What do I have to show off? My apathy.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Ice Fortress

Professor Hell sent me an email that he just built an Ice Fortress and that I should "prepare to die!" That makes no sense. Big deal, some idiot has an ice fortress. I hope he stays in it and never comes out.

Prepare to die? How's an ice fortress going to kill me? Hypothermia? What a clown. And how did he get my email address?

In other news, I'm thinking about getting a digital camera. Possibly through amazon so I don't have to pay tax.

Monday, May 23, 2005

The Return

I finally got my powers back to their full, ready to go potential. So, of course on my lunch break a biug ugly flying saucer starts zipping above the New York skyline shooting these heat rays at the Brooklyn Bridge. I of course work on the Upper West Side, so in terms of getting their in back, my whole lunch hour was completely sucked dry. And not to mention the pollen today is terrible. I zapped the flying saucer and it wobbled and took off, kind of anti-climactic. Who cares? The real crime is that I'm back behind the desk knowing that I just saved the city tons of money, not to mention nasty insurance companies, and I still go back to making under $500 a week. Are headaches part of allergies or is that reason spinning around my head trying to get out?

If I was one of those detective super heroes, I'd be all curious where that flying saucer came from. But I could really give two craps. I'm not one of those detective heroes. I'm one of those desk jobs, could give two craps heroes.

I need to make some weekend plans.

Aw nuts, my secret source at the NYPD just IM'd me again. Professor Hell jumped bail. I can't stand that guy. I'm getting an itch on my back. I want to slap him. Why do they grant supervillains bail to begin with? Who made these rules?