I just sneezed something awful. I sneezed and all of a sudden my sinuses are packed up. This stinks.
I just woke up. I heard pounding on someone's door down the hall and was all afraid that the landlord was coming to install a CO detector or something. I panicked because I had fallen asleep in my Kid Lightning costume. That would totally be the end of me. i almost went to the door in costume to see what was happening. that would have been awful. Actually, he probably wou;d have just thought I was some type of freak and kick e out of the building. My costume is looking rough. I need a couple patches. I might have gone up a size too. I hope not. Today i will do crunches.
I hope I'm not sick. I've had a slight cough for a couple weeks now. The last time I ran into Professor Hell he mumbled something about giving me a curse of sickness. but that fool can't do anything right, except slip through my butterfingers. Man, i hate that guy. He always does just enough damage just to get on my nerves.
I was reading some of this blog and realized that when I started out I used asome rough language. I'm trying to keep it clean. I don't usually talk too dirty. Sometimes. I swore at the police commisioner once, under my breath because he called me a a little boy. I'm 27.
My nose is running all over the place.
I had this weird dream last night. The Earth was ravaged by these alien space ships. Buildings were upturned. The sky was smokey orange-brown. And me and The Human monster were on top of a mountain holding these flags. Humanity's last hope. Maybe I'll write a screenplay about it.
I have the day off today. i don't know what I am going to do. Maybe I'll go check out a movie. I hear "Closer" is a real tear jerker. I'm kind of in the mood for that. Do any women read my blog by the way. I se I'm starting to get comments from dudes. It's nice that people are reading my blog, but it'd be nicer if some ladies were as well.